Las venas abiertas de America Latina


Las venas abiertas de América Latina es un ensayo del escritor uruguayo Eduardo Galeano publicado en 1971 a la edad de 31 años. En esta obra, el autor analiza la historia de América Latina de modo global desde la Colonización europea de América hasta la América Latina contemporánea, argumentando con crónicas y narraciones el constante saqueo de los recursos naturales de la región por parte de los imperios coloniales, entre los siglos XVI y XIX, y los Estados imperialistas, el Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos principalmente, desde el siglo XIX en adelante. La obra recibió mención honorífica del Premio Casa de las Américas.



Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx.

Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.

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