Little Readers: on a Solo Adventure

May Book Club

Cuando la tierra see olvidó a girar, Fina Casalderrey

El rey que no oía pero escuchaba, Perla Szuchmacher + Alberto Lomnitz

El pie que no quería bañarse, Julieta Garcia Gonzalez

Las almas de la fiesta y otros cuentos de día de muertos, Judy Goldman


Cuando la tierra see olvidó a girar, Fina Casalderrey

The Earth has forgotten to rotate; as a consequence, one half of the planet lives in continuous day and the 0ther in eternal night. Who will be able to find the solution to such a difficult problem? A beautiful story that shows the importance of group unity in overcoming difficulties.

El rey que no oía pero escuchaba, Perla Szuchmacher + Alberto Lomnitz

A simple story with a profound message about two prince brothers who get along well until their father, the king, passes away and the firstborn child’s right to rule is taken away from him for being deaf, despite it all, the brothers will learn the importance of listening rather than only hearing.

El pie que no quería bañarse, Julieta Garcia Gonzalez

Pedro’s foot decides it does not want to take a bath, just like that. Pedro has to deal with it, but luckily the monster-foot has wonderful unsuspected skills, so maybe it is not that bad after all.

Las almas de la fiesta y otros cuentos de día de muertos, Judy Goldman

In this beautifully illustrated collection of Día de Muertos stories, Judy Goldman explores the cultural traditions rooted in honoring the dead throughout different Mexican cities. Each story includes a thoughtful section explaining the tradition portrayed in the tale.

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